This meditation aims at creating more and more space within us, so that we can contain and reflect all things.

I begin by coming back to the breath, aware of my in-breath, aware of my out-breath.  Letting the breath offer me space in both the body and the mind.

I see myself sitting in front of the whole universe, reflecting the universe.  I align myself with the whole universe.
I let the entire cosmos reflect inside my body, galaxies, stars, cosmic storms, black holes, solar systems – all within me. 
I make space within me to reflect, to contain, to be, the whole universe, with its myriad of movements, constant transformations, the vast space, the total contraction, infinite expansion, extreme heat and extreme cold.
I keep offering more space for the expanding universe within myself.
As I create space within myself,  I might make the space in my lower abdomen, or my chest, or my diaphragm, or my throat, or in the space of my skull.

In the next phase I let myself sit and open to the entire range of human potential, all emotions and all experiences.  I make space within me for joy as well as for grief,  for anger as well as forgiveness, for frustration and for ease, for fear, for laziness, for selfishness, for generosity, and also for caring, for compassion, for love. I create infinite space within me.  Allowing each emotion creating more space…
I note when there is a range, or a scale, or an emotion that is hard to contain, that is creating congestion, and I mentally relax it and keep making space for it within me.

In the next phase I see myself reflecting this planet within me.  reflecting mountains and meadows, rivers and oceans, sky, clouds, rain, and air, water and soil.  I touch and connect with birds, and animals, and insects, and even germs.
I sit with the entire planet, making space in my heart for this planet to thrive.

In the last phase, I contemplate the infinite space and capacity of the mind, recognizing that sacred space is infinite – it can never be filled, it can always hold more, be larger. 
The mind of love is always expanding, and can hold more. 
Recognizing this I merge with and also let go of space and time.