This mediation explores our capacity for engaging in Ksanti Paramita.  Ksanti, or Ren, 忍,  in Chinese, literally showing a knife in the heart is forbearance, or inclusiveness: the ability to work with the arrows/knives of our heart.

Begin with just arriving.  I have arrived, I am home, in the here and in the now, I am solid, I am free, in the ultimate I dwell.

I can always arrive more, I can be more solid, more free, more spacious.

During the meditation, I can support this space physically within my body.  I allow space in my lower abdomen, a sense of hollowness, of non-holding, to support a sense of spaciousness, expansiveness, and ease in the chest, and a sense of openness and freedom in the skull, especially behind the eyes, and between the ears.

Maintaining the sense of “arrived,” I look at the arrows in my heart.  There are many arrows in my heart, some have been piercing the heart for generations before me, some came in early childhood, some are long-term residents, and some are relatively new and often just temporary.

These arrows can be people, situation, places, or circumstances

They can be my own internal attitudes, fears, anger, sorrow, remorse, an inability to act.

My heart has many arrows, some piercing deeply, some piercing more shallowly, ready to let go.

I release each arrow. 

Some arrows can be take out, with determination.  Others cannot be pulled out and twist further hurting more, creating more arrows and splinters.

These arrows, which I cannot pull out, I leave and I create space around that arrow.  I can utilize the space within my body as well as the space within my heart/mind to surround the arrow with space, allowing it to soften, releasing its grip.

I go through the different arrows in my heart, infusing my heart/mind with space, dissolving the arrows of pain and suffering, of past hurts, of tight thinking.

The space of my heart is infinite.  I can always create more space in my heart.  A sacred space is a space that can always expand, can always accommodate more.  My heart/mind is a sacred space, allowing for all possibilities.